Sunday, February 10, 2008

Is it spring yet???

January has to be one of the dreariest months of the year, the holidays are over, true winter weather hits. At least our version of "winter". Most of us (especially those of us who live in California) go a little stir-crazy when we can't get outside and do things we enjoy. Gardening and dog walking are two of Daddy's favorite activities, but he's been severely limited by yucky cold and rainy weather. Whever it's dry and the sun is out a bit, Daddy gets out as much as possible with the doggies.

January was round two of the 5-day on 23-day off chemo treatment, and this next week he will enter round three of the 5-days on. Before each treatment round he gets blood work done to be sure his counts are strong enough. His numbers are very good, and the effects of the particular chemo drug (Temodar) he is taking are being tolerated very well. From the research I've been doing on the internet, people either tolerate Temodar or they don't. And being able to tolerate the drug is a strong indicator of successful treatment. I'm really hoping that's the case for Daddy, of course.
The month hasn't been all dreary, we had this to look forward to:

Yes, Ladies and Gents, That's Joe! And of course, his lovely bride Erica. When they were planning the wedding they said they were hoping for rain, because it would look so pretty through the windows in the chapel. See the pretty rain? I didn't think so. Okay, maybe a little bit. It was a little bit pretty. But mostly wet. And COLD. And did I mention wet?

Nobody really minded, we had a wonderful time, and it was really nice meeting Erica's family. Erica has a great big warm heart (just like Joe) which is reflected in the rest of her family. Although we almost had a SMACKDOWN between the "Aunt Terris" (Not really). Get this: Erica's Aunt Terri has the same birthday that I do. Not just the date, but THE YEAR. I mean, like twins or something. I knew we were going to get along when she immediately asked me the hour of my birth.....and since she was born two hours ahead of me, she thought she was "Aunt Terri One". But I had been giving the dilemna a great deal of thought, so I was ready with my answer than since Joe is older than Erica, I was Joe's Aunt Terri before she was Erica's Aunt Terri so I'm Aunt Terri One. Hard to argue that. HA!

So, back to's a good shot of him with Joe:

Our handsome gents

And of course another of Joe with Erica:

We have so much to be thankful for, Daddy's feeling good is the biggest one. It makes all of these occasions that much sweeter, and makes all of us aware of how much we have to be grateful for. I've made a few online aquaintances with other people who's family members are fighting the same or similar fight that Daddy is. There are many who have lived for YEARS (one of them eleven!) using the same treatments that Daddy is getting.

On the other hand, and who knows why, there are others who aren't. Who are getting the very same treatment, the same radiation, the same drugs, as Daddy. And they aren't doing well. Their blood counts dive, they have seizures, they can't maintain enough nutrition. I don't know why this is, but for whatever reason this happens.

So, in closing I have a request. All of you that are praying for Daddy.....and I know there are a lot.....please keep my friend Melissa and her mother Lorraine in your prayers. Lorraine was diagnosed with the same GBM a month after Daddy was. Three months after the birth of her first grandchild (Melissa's baby). And she's not doing well. She wasn't able to finish her radiation due to severe side effects, and her strength isn't building back the way it should.

Thanks everybody, for checking back with us to see how Daddy is doing! I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy. Drop Daddy a line at his e-mail (he does read them!). He still isn't much for writing back, but who knows? The way he's heating up the computer playing solitare lately, he might decide to try and actually TYPE WORDS. HA HA.