Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quote of The Day

"This place SUCKS!"
~as told by Wes to Mary Anne when she asked him how he was doing on his third day at the hospital.

So, as you can see Daddy is A LOT more alert, and today he came home. He couldn't sleep very well in the hospital (who could?) so he sacked out before dinner for a few hours. Mary Anne promised him one of her "special omelettes" when he woke up, he still has sores on his tounge and lip and he needs soft food for now.

Now that he's home, I'm sure he'll get better even faster.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rough Weekend, but getting better

Hi everyone:
Well, for months now Daddy has been enjoying "somewhat" strong health. The chemo really kicks his butt, but each time his blood tests remain strong and he's ready for another round. We're hoping the next MRI shows an even greater diminishment of his cancerous cells.

Unfortunately, Daddy experienced on Sat what all brain tumor patients fear: seizures. It was quite a shock, he went from shopping at Home Depot for fencing supplies with Joe to slumped in his chair while playing solitare in 24 hours. He was hospitalized over the weekend, and really spent most of Sat, Sun, and Monday sleeping, which is good. A CT scan on his head indicated no brain bleeds, which is AWESOME.

He aspirated some fluids during one of the seizures, so the fluid in his lungs has a chance of developing into pnuemonia. The doctors saw a spot on his lung in the x-ray and he was coughing, so they started treating right away. He had another x-ray yesterday, and so far we haven't found out if it's better or worse. His regular oncologist is going to go by and see him today, we'll get the straight scoop from him. It's so hard, because nobody there knows "how he was" and they assume they are dealing with an invalid. Therefore, not expecting much out of him. When they found out (after all of us speaking up) that he's a dog-walking, weed-wacking, Home Depot shopper they changed their tune.

This morning he was very much more aware of things. He called Mom to ask her where his watch was, he thought someone might have taken it. Then he called an hour later to see when Mary Anne was going to be there to take him home. Then, when I was talking on the phone with him I heard him asking for something to eat. The nurse said "well, I see you're done with your tray here" (meaning lunch) and "you'll get more at 6:00". Well, no doubt compared to how Mary Anne feeds him he's feeling starved to death! I think she's taking him some pudding cups this afternoon.

I'll keep you all posted of his progress, maybe he'll be able to come home tomorrow.