Monday, September 3, 2007

Music Man

Well, Sunday at the family home found all of us preparing the house for Daddy's homecoming. Lots of cleaning up and organizing. We were pretty pooped by 3:00 or so. Before we drove home Bob and I of course went by to see Daddy. He was just finishing up Bingo in the activity room when we got there (he won two games!) and decided he would give a go at the piano. This was his first attempt, and it was absolutely amazing to watch him. The brain is a marvelous thing, as Daddy continued to play I could see him "remember" tunes, his fingers were nimble, and as he perservered I could imagine the new connections being made in his brain, right before my eyes (and ears!). The folks in the activity room really enjoyed listening to him, clapped and asked for "just one more" before he went back to his room. I took a bit of video, I've uploaded some of it:

Not bad, huh? On the physical end, although you see him in a wheelchair, he's actually walking quite a bit, and he told me how the physical therapist has been working with him. He stood up from his chair to walk to the piano, but he was chastised by the activities director, I guess that's against the rules! He sat back down and wheeled himself over using his legs on the ground instead of his arms. As you can see from the pictures and video, his spirits are very good.

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